Travel, Books, Eclectic Philosophy, Random Thoughts and Food

I’m not sure when I started reading, but at the age of 10 I fell in love with Florence. There I discovered travel, art, food, philosophy: a whole new way of living.

Now I live with too many animals, growing as much of my food as time and the elements allow, roasting coffee as I search for the perfect blend, baking bread when I can and occasionally dabbling in cheese.

When working I’m always dreaming the next trip. Who doesn’t? With over thirty years experience working as a hospital doctor covering Intensive Care, Coronary Care and General Medicine, I’m now seen as the local witch doctor. This seems to cover anything from delivering alpacas to treating kids who’ve fallen head first into the washing machine.

I hope these pages prove a reflection of me, and you find both pleasure and inspiration whilst reading them. Feel free to visit my little shop, where my photos are for sale, or else my books (novels and poetry, with some travel books on the way).

Thank you

My ambition is to be 80 and happy.