Anne Harrison - Enso Creations

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Life on the Mekong - In Photos

The eyes on a boat, said to help guide a boat home, but they also give a delightful character © A. Harrison

Life is lived on the Mekong, lived at water level. In the towns and villages, houses open straight onto the water, and boats filled with everything criss-cross from side to side.

Down towards the Mekong Delta, side streams amble through the overgrowth. Many are so shallow I wondered if our boat could pass.

Lush vegetation where the Mekong meets the sea © A. Harrison

The boats are the characters in this story. Most have eyes, to see their way, and to bring their owners home safely (I’ve also heard tell the eyes scare off demons).

Then comes the rain. You haven’t been to the tropics, until caught in a deluge.

A passing deluge to cool the air © A. Harrison

At times the river was incredibly crowded, while in other spots at times we were the only boat around, and I would listen to the drone of dragonflies and the lazy plop of fish.

And always another channel just begging to be explored.

Like a gondola, the older boats are steered standing upright, facing the direction of trael © A. Harrison

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